Höga Kustens besöksnäringsstrategi mot 2030

In 2021, a new tourism development strategy for the High Coast was developed. A clear, joint vision and structure is fundamental for a long-term, sustainable destination management plan.

Download and read our strategy here

We have also written a report that summarises the strategy and the process behind it. Download and read it in PDF format here. Only available in Swedish.

Next level 2030

The next stage of our fantastic journey

In the last decade, the High Coast has been one of Sweden’s fastest growing destinations – since 2010 the number of annual guest nights has increased by 59%. In order to continue this positive trend over the next decade – and for it to be sustainable in the long term – a strategic approach for tourism towards 2030 has been developed. This process has been managed by Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling, stakeholders from the public and business sectors and promoters of the tourism industry, who have all contributed in different ways. The strategy is based on an analysis of the outside world’s demands but also of course on the High Coast’s assets and what the tourism industry’s stakeholders and promoters are passionate about.


The strategy's aim and process are multifaceted. Due to the strategy affecting a large number of stakeholders, it is important that we:

We all want to work together

Arbetet med att ta fram den strategiska planen har letts av Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling men strategin omfattar hela destinationen Höga Kusten. Den beskriver alltså inte vad organisationen Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling ska göra, utan vad destinationen som helhet vill åstadkomma.

Strategin är till för att få så många som möjligt att dra åt samma håll. För att hålla riktningen över tid kommer lägereldar behöva tändas ofta för att samla destinationens många aktörer och påminna varandra om visionen, om varför den behövs, och för att gemensamt fira framgångar och finna lösningar för uppdykande hinder.



Goals 2030



There is always a next level

An attractive, sustainable and accessible
place to wish to come to

Maintain our friendly campfire feeling


Carbon neutral destination

Local ambassadors



the system



adapted to
suit visitors

Strategic areas
towards 2030

Based on today’s global challenges, our own strengths and weaknesses as well as our vision and our goals, we have identified five strategic areas and associated sub-strategies that we have identified as areas we need to work with in order to reach success as we move towards 2030.

Increase attractiveness

Create more reasons to visit us and increase the level of investment in our region.

Boost communications

Strengthen our brand, build personal relationships and invest in smart digitalisation.

the system

Deepen collaboration and simplify and facilitate business and entrepreneurship.


More visitors distributed over the year and a sustainable approach to everything we do.

Accessibility adapted to suit visitors

Develop infrastructure and increase accessibility.

Our vision:
There is always
a next level
– bring on 2030!

We believe we are heading in the right direction, so it isn’t a change in direction we want, but rather for us to always be striving to reach the next level. As we head towards 2030, we want to make significant further developments in the tourism industry in the region.

With our passion, bravery and drive, we want to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship and always strive for the next level, moving step by step towards 2030. We want to hold onto the “campfire feeling” we have identified as one of the reasons for our success thus far, both for those of us who live here and for those who visit us.

Measureable goals
towards 2030

In our vision, we feel strongly that the High Coast shall always strive for the next level and become a place that an increasing number of people want to come to – both to live and to visit. To further define our ambitions, we have developed a number of quantitative goals that will help us to continuously monitor if are on the right track.


…tourism turnover has doubled


…the tourism industry in the High Coast is carbon neutral.


…our local residents are the tourism industry’s primary representatives.


… we are thought of as being a top international destination.

Would you like to read more? Download our strategy here.

We have also written a report that summarises the strategy and the process behind it. Download and read it in PDF format here. Only available in Swedish.