Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling is a communal company that was founded in the spring of 2014. It has the task of promoting the strategic development of the tourism industry in the High Coast. A total of four municipalities are working together for the future of the High Coast – Härnösand, Kramfors, Sollefteå and Örnsköldsvik. We are not alone.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling was founded in 2014 with its starting point being to work with the area’s strategic development. In 2017, it took on the task to run a joint visitor service that today, together with local businesses, meets up to 800,000 visitors each year.
It is strategically continuing to develop both the brand and the destination. This work is development work that builds on our wealth of high-quality experiences. Our five primary natural assets are Nature, Time to be, Cuisine, Cultural Heritage and Companionship with others. The latter, companionship with others, includes those of us who live and work here, the hospitality we show towards our visitors and that we like to develop together.
Att strategiskt leda en destination mot fördubblad omsättning, koldioxidneutralitet, stolta lokala ambassadörer och internationell toppklass – en nivå till – är numera vårt uppdrag. Det här är vi:
Joint business plans will be created – with these goals in sight.
Close cooperation will take place with other areas as well, such as rural development where Leader Höga Kusten is a driven stakeholder.
A visitor does not necessarily recognise borders, so we will be working closely with Destination Sundsvall, Region Umeå, Kvarken, Visit Sweden and others who add value to our strategic and operative work.
The board members of Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling include politicians from the four municipalities and our management team consists of those who are the heads of growth. Tourism is the High Coast’s new industry – and we are only seeing the beginning of what we will be able to achieve together.
For Strategy 2030, together with other organisations consisting of driven people with high ambitions, we have decided to continue our development work due to a strong belief in each other and by distributing tasks between us in order to reach our vision and mission.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6, 891 31 Örnsköldsvik
Org.no: 556961-4067