We have a modern, integrated and needs-based tourist service that has several different channels where you can reach more visitors effectively.
Together we have created Höga Kusten Turistservice, a modern, integrated and needs-based tourist service that has several different channels where you can reach more visitors effectively.
Idag består vår besöksservice av fyra delar. En turistservice tillgänglig året runt via telefon, mejl, chatt och sociala medier, 55 InfoPoints, dvs. turistserviceplatser på våra stora besöksmål, en gemensam Turistinformation vid Högakustenbron samt en mobil turistservice.
Höga Kusten Turistservice is an inspiration for other destinations that are reorganising their tourism services. We were invited to give a presentation on the development of our new visitor services at Visitas Destinationsdagar 2018 and in November 2020, Höga Kusten Turistservice won the prize for “Best Hospitality in Tourism Service” for the new concept the High Coast Personal Holiday Planner, where we have managed to make digital tourist information feel personal.
Ett enhetligt Höga Kusten-koncept för turistinformation har arbetats fram, som bland annat innehåller 55 InfoPoints, 20 servicepunkter, en Turistinformation, en stor satsning på Höga Kustens digitala närvaro, ett gemensamt telefonnummer och två turnerande bilar.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6, 891 31 Örnsköldsvik
Org.no: 556961-4067