If the High Coast location is important in your branding, you are most welcome to use the resources we have here in our digital toolbox. If we all have the same approach, our communication becomes a clear alternative – and together we will reach success.
Use the strong High Coast brand in your business. Here is material you can use and guidelines regarding how to use it.
Guidelines for the High Coast’s graphic profile
Use our images of the High Coast in your marketing.
Make use of the High Coast brand in your marketing
Here is a collection of interesting facts about the High Coast.
Please feel free to use these texts when you write about the High Coast.
Please help us share images of the High Coast through these films.
Please feel free to use the following presentations of the High Coast.
Var med och sprid bilden av ett vintrigt Höga Kusten
Fler genvägar till andra möjligheter inom kompetensförsörjningsområdet.
Utbildningar och guider för Höga Kustens besöksnäring.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6, 891 31 Örnsköldsvik
Org.no: 556961-4067