We are driven by our passion for this place we call home. Together with other motivated entrepreneurs and devout politicians, we are working towards tourism becoming the new primary industry in the High Coast Region. We believe in curiosity, so do not hesitate to contact us!
Mattias har lång erfarenhet av plats- och stadsutveckling och kommer närmast från uppdraget som näringslivschef i Tibro kommun. Under många år och i flera olika uppdrag har Mattias arbetat med olika samverkansmodeller och -organisationer som engagerat aktörer från både det offentliga, ideell sektor och privata företag för att lyfta och utveckla platser. Med erfarenheter från Företagarna, LRF och Fastighetsägarna har han också en god kunskap om villkoren för företag att leva och utvecklas och är väl förtrogen i det viktiga samspelet mellan det offentligas förutsättningar och företagens behov. Sedan 2022 är Mattias också ledamot i styrelsen för Svenska Stadskärnor.
Director - Tourist Service
Maria has previously worked as director for Höga Kusten Turism. Maria has had a long career in tourism, both internationally and here on the High Coast. As head of the destination’s Tourist Service, she is putting to use her drive to build new business, her huge network and her passion for the High Coast.
Strategic development
Cecilia has worked with business development and public financing for 20 years, with a particular focus on EU funding. She has in-depth experience in creating and running projects and together with other stakeholders, has been involved in many development projects here in the High Coast. Cecilia has worked as a strategist here at Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling since it was founded in 2014.
Digital presence, Tourist Service
Höga Kusten strävar alltid efter att nå en nivå till och snart hitta ni vår nya kollega här som kommer hjälper oss på den resan. För digitala eller rent turistiska frågor – kontakta under denna tid gärna Höga Kustens Turistservice så hjälper vi dig på bästa sätt.
Communications officer
Louise previously worked as communications officer for Public Transport Association in Västernorrland municipality. She has also previously worked as a journalist and a copywriter for an advertising firm. Louise likes dialogue and exchanging ideas, which she has good use for as communications officer.
InfoPoint, Tourist Service
Katrin has a leadership and tourism background and has been working in this field in several different areas. Her positive attitude and passion for people have led to her building up a wide network, which she puts to use in her position as head of InfoPoints. Katrin is passionate about hospitality and works hard to strengthen ambassadorship in the destination.
Strategic development
Joel started working in the tourism industry at Skuleberget 15 years ago. Since this he has worked with the Swedish Tourist Association in the mountains, Fjällräven and most recently he has come from a position as outdoor strategist for Örnsköldsvik Municipality. Joel has a degree in biology from Umeå University and is also a certified outdoor guide. Joel is with us on our journey towards 2030 with a focus on sustainability, nature tourism and infrastructure.
Export sales
Andreas has worked in the travel and tourism industry for over 15 years, both for himself and others. His expertise is primarily in international packages, marketing, events and sales. Andreas’ primary tasks are in running the project Höga Kusten på Export, which focuses on opening up new channels and making new contacts so more foreign guests will be able to visit our fantastic destination.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6, 89131 Örnsköldsvik
Org.no: 556961-4067
Invoices can be mailed in PDF format to faktura@hkdest.se, or posted to the following address:
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Kund-id FRX5108
FE 301
105 69 Stockholm
Terms and conditions:
Mail or send only invoices to the above addresses, other post should be sent to:
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6
891 31 Örnsköldsvik
Invoices that do not fulfil the above terms and conditions will be returned.
Please update your customer register with this information.
Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling AB
Järnvägsgatan 6, 891 31 Örnsköldsvik
Org.no: 556961-4067